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Discover Your Inner Power

What reward can be more precious than the reward we receive from the power of knowledge. To achieve this we must first set aside our emotions and allow logic to take control. Only then can we bring back our God given ability to reason, otherwise known as Common Sense. 

It’s amazing how we are so quick to give up our power and place it in the hands of others. This is quite common particularly in this very divisive climate that we live in today. For example, we love to blame others for many if not all of our problems. It doesn’t matter if it pertains to us as individuals or to our community. We just find it easier to blame others for situations in our life we view as undesirable. Our elected officials are one of our most favorite targets when it comes to blaming others especially during election season. Hence, they campaign on all the good things they have done and what great things they have in store for the future. Realistically, the only thing we can and should expect from our elected officials is honesty, integrity, fairness, and their uncompromised dedication to supporting policies that are beneficial, nothing more, and nothing less. 

In a western democratic society the system has long been established. It is a mixture of Capitalism, the freedom of industries and private owners to buy, sell, and trade in a free market, and Socialism, a set of government programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security; Programs that benefit society as a whole. It is our elected officials responsibility to use the authority we give them to maintain a fair and reasonable balance between the two. Notice I said authority. That’s all we give them. The authority to support good common sense policies. If they are not doing that or at least making an honest effort then we should simply vote them out of office. 

When it comes to our personal situation it is us who have the power and not anyone else. By blaming others we relinquish the power we have and give it to people like politicians, family members, spouses, friends and even complete strangers. The reason we do this is because we are completely ignorant to the power we possess. I urge everyone to first recognize their inner power and then utilize that power to create a better, more desirable life experience.

Is my life perfect? Absolutely not. No one has a perfect life, and anyone who claims they do are either exaggerating or straight-up lying. I like everyone else am constantly faced with new challenges on a daily basis. But I view them as challenges and not problems, and I meet them head on by solving them first from within. Do I have regrets? Of course I do. Sometimes I find myself wishing I could go back in time and correct some of the things I did or did not do. But that’s not possible and I am learning not to spend too much time contemplating over things I have absolutely no control over. Am I a wealthy person? No way. Not even close. Being wealthy requires more currency than I care to imagine and can actually be a burden on its own. But I am financially secure, which means I have found a lifestyle which is acceptable and enjoyable and I have the means to maintain it. In addition and, whenever possible, I also engage myself in helping others along the way.

In essence, we are here to seek happiness through our creative contributions. We can utilize our natural attributes to enhance our very existence or we can give it to others and trust that they will do it for us. The decision is ours and ours alone.

Your comments are welcome, and for those of you who wish to hear more of my opinion on this subject, I invite you to consider taking a look at my book; “Happiness Naturally.”  As always, have a great day.



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